Introducing: MYORA! REBORN

Introducing: MYORA! REBORN

It's important to remember before reading this that I am not a writer..


My name is Catalina, I'm the proud creator of MYORA! and a big fan of clothes. I was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia and knew there was more to life than a 9-5. Don't get me wrong, I still do work a 9-5 part-time lol.. and can't wait for the day that I no longer rely on it. But anyway, let's do a quick back-track of how I got here.


In 2019, I was in year 11 at a brand new school and I knew exactly what I wanted- a clothing brand. Despite my enormous hate for studying, learning things I didn't care about and writing essays, I knew the only thing I needed was a pass. I was gifted an old drawing pad that connects to your computer from my favourite sister (Julia) and began creating silly little designs. I drew comedy sketches (that I to this day do not understand the meaning of), beachy surf people and anything that came into my head. It was definitely a start. I taught myself how to do iron-on transfers, find the best machine-washable techniques, recorded the amount of washes each shirt had before the print peeled, what best blank garments to use, the lot. Before I knew it, I was printing shirts for myself and my sister to wear around the house.


I wanted to take it a step further. Not long after, I drew some 'solid' designs as I called them (ones people would ACTUALLY buy and not randomness) and started placing a bulk order for a printing company to make. This was my first collection ever. I had 2 different designs printed on tees, hoodies and sweatshirts. I got straight into creating ad videos and taking photos for my website with my sister as the model in our backyard. I told everyone and their fckn DOG about MYORA. I was wearing them to school, selling to my classmates, paying ridiculous money on ads (money I didn't have), and going to markets to get the name out there.


All this motivation was stacking up and I kept the momentum going. So much so that in 2020 (my final year of school) I began creating my second collection, the MEMORIES collection. Just like the last, I saved some money up and took photos of my sister as the model and got to work. These designs were printed on bags, hoodies and tees and featured polaroids with some of my favourite memories and music lyrics. Shortly after releasing, I somehow lost all motivation. A possible reason for this was I was bald at the time.. I had shaved my head for charity and honestly didn't know who I was. Realising the significance hair has on a young girl, navigating my last year of school and managing my growing business was super hard on me. So I stopped. I took the website down, shoved all my stock in boxes and hid them for years.


There were definitely times I thought of starting up MYORA again throughout the years. I eventually moved out on my own when I turned 18 and tried to find myself as well as following an exciting job opportunity, but I always kept it in the back of my mind. Not only that, but I was still developing my style. Having lived in the suburbs my whole life and then moving away at 18 to the beach, I could never stick to one particular style. I loved baggy, I loved streetwear, but I also loved bikinis and summer fashion.


THEN, believe it or not, I got a boyfriend a few years later in 2022. We would always speak of becoming successful, having our own businesses and doing what we loved, together. I was super inspired and knew he had my back (along with my entire family of course who had been there from the beginning). I began planning a new range of MYORA and this time sticking to it. I was sampling bikinis, knitwear and so much more throughout the end of 2023 to the beginning of 2024 and learning the process of manufacturing overseas and business in general. Having come from a home in which both of my parents worked for themselves, I've grown up watching their freedom in life and having more opportunities. I got stuck into work and designing, running everything past my boyfriend, critiquing samples, and much more until I found what I wanted my first collection to be.


Introducing: MYORA! REBORN


It certainly has been a long time coming. I've put so much effort into not only the pieces, but the brand itself. Constantly designing and thinking of new ideas is all I do. The idea behind REBORN is pretty self-explanatory, especially now you know how it all began. This is the new MYORA, mixing styles, wearing what makes you comfortable and most importantly, we're MADE FOR ALL. No matter who you are, our pieces are designed for everyone. After the photoshoot for this collection, everything felt real, every detail. I hand-pressed every label on my 300+ garments, I organised my own photoshoot and created the website all on my own.


I hope to create a community with MYORA. If this made someone feel even an ounce inspired to do what they dream of, my job is done.


Talk soon,


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